
Our social values

The Social Values of the company reflect our belief that the development industry can make a difference to the world:

By tackling the housing emergency

We know young people, in particular want homes at a price they can afford.  By being at the forefront of the debate to tackle the barriers to building more homes, we can assist this.  Recently, we’ve partnered with the IEA and Land Aid.

By championing Democracy and Public Service

We employ and interact with councillors and those who are active in their local community.  We can help by being a good employer to those who seek to do public service and helping elected representatives serve their communities better.

By opening up participation in communities

We are particularly keen to get YIMBYs involved in decision making about development, not just those who have a vested interest in seeking to curtail progressive development.  We can help by championing best practice participative community engagement and values assessments amongst private, public and third sector organisations.